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The Board of Selectmen held a special meeting on Thursday, January 20, 2011 at the Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown.  First Selectman Llodra called the meeting to order at 7:05pm.

PRESENT: First Selectman E. Patricia Llodra, Selectman William F.L. Rodgers, Selectman William F. Furrier.

ALSO PRESENT: Finance Director Robert Tait, Public Works Director Fred Hurley, Parks and Recreation Director Amy Mangold, Parks and Recreation Chairman Ed Marks,  Chief Kehoe and Capt. Rios (8:15pm), four members of the public and four members of the press.

VOTER PARTICIPATION:  Joseph Borst, 10 Beechwood Drive asked how long the executive session would be.  First Selectman Llodra replied it would be about fifteen minutes.

ACCEPTANCE OF THE MINUTES:  Selectman Rodgers moved the acceptance of the minutes dated January 3, 2011.  Selectman Furrier seconded.  All in favor.

COMMUNICATIONS:  First Selectman Llodra noted that Robert Poulin, Vice-Chairman of P&Z has sent a memo communicating that P&Z had voted to request the Town of Newtown appeal the decision of the Appellate Court on the matter of Dauti Construction vs. Town of Newtown Planning & Zoning Commission.  Attorney Terbrusch has been appointed administrator in connection with the McLendon Estate.  Selectman Rodgers asked if there was any restriction on conduct of private plow drivers regarding leaving snow in the roadways.  (Mr. Hurley later spoke with Mr. Rodgers on this topic saying that the police do give $100 tickets to private plow drivers that leave snow in the roadways).


Executive Session:  Selectman Rodgers moved to enter executive session for the purposes of discussing pending litigation.  Barbara Schellenberg of Cohen and Wolf was invited to attend.  Selectman Furrier seconded.  All in favor.  Executive session was entered at 7:10pm and returned to regular session at 7:35pm.  (Action noted under item #8, New Business).

Discussion and possible action:
  • Use of Municipal Space:  Selectman Rodgers moved to adopt the Municipal Use of Space Policy and application entitled Draft #4, January 18, 2011, effective July 1, 2011, for discussion.  Selectman Furrier seconded.  Selectman Rodgers asked if we would publish the policy prior to July 1.  First Selectman Llodra said that we will do anything we can to make sure any facility users are informed about the new policy.  Most of them have the correct certificate of insurance currently.  All in favor.
  • Implementation Plan – Plan of Conservation and Development: not discussed.
Discussion and possible action:
  • Fairfield Hills Master Plan Review Committee Public Outreach Facilitation Proposal:  The Fairfield Hills Master Plan Review Committee has an interest in public outreach to measure the communities point of view about possible development of Fairfield Hills.  $4,000 will cover a town wide survey and the balance will be to obtain the services of consultant Rose Zubizarreta, from Diapraxis.  Selectman Rodgers moved the Board of Selectman authorize the Fairfield Hills Master Plan Review Committee to engage in a public outreach facilitation pursuant to their proposal (Att. A) dated 1/14/11 with the understanding that included within that proposal is the need to hire a facilitator and to authorize the First Selectman to enter such contract, for discussion.  Selectman Furrier seconded.  Selectman Rodgers does not have a problem with the outreach not being geared expressly toward the existing master plan, however, it is going to make it all the more important for the committee itself, they are going to have to tailor it to the master plan.  They might consider providing a synopsis on the existing master plan as a part of the public outreach.  First Selectman Llodra stated she thinks that Ben Roberts heard that message clearly.  The starting point of the review is the existing plan.  Selectman Furrier thinks the cost of the facilitator is very reasonable and that we are getting a lot of work for the cost of the survey.  Appreciation was expressed by the board for the pro-bono work of the Harrison Group and for the discounted price for the facilitator.  All in favor.
  • Town Hall Union Contract:  This is a three year contract through 2013.  Wage increases are 1.5%, 1.75% and 1.75%.  The impact the first year is $15,140, the second year, new money, is $6,711 and the third year the new money cost is $12,821.  The cost is modest because this group has moved to a less expensive insurance plan which is 5% less in cost and the employees have taken on greater cost share.  Selectman Rodgers moved to authorize the First Selectman to enter into, on the behalf of the Town, the recently negotiated Town Hall Union contract pursuant over a three year period reflecting an incremental cost to the town set forth in a memo entitled Town of Newtown Impact Statement of Town Hall Employees contract 2011-2013.  Selectman Furrier seconded.  All in favor.
  • Transfers:  Selectman Furrier moved the transfer of $13,600 from 01350-4003, Worker’s Compensation to 01100-2013, Selectman Expenses.  Selectman Rodgers seconded.  All in favor.  Selectman Furrier moved the transfer of $23,853 From 01570-2000 Contingency to sixteen various accounts as noted on the Town of Newtown Appropriation (Budget) Transfer Request dated 1/10/11(Att. B).  Selectman Rodgers seconded.  All in favor.  First Selectman Llodra noted the purpose of the transfer is to provide sufficient funds to meet the Town Hall Union Contract.
  • Appointments/Reappointments:  Selectman Rodgers moved the re-appointment of Joan Plouffe as an alternate member of the Commission on Aging.  Selectman Furrier seconded.  All in favor.  Recommendations were received from the Democratic nominating committee but no action was taken because the full committee had not yet ratified the recommendations.  A resignation was received from Martha Wright of the Conservation Commission.  There is now an unaffiliated vacancy on that board.  There is an unaffiliated vacancy on the Sustainable Energy Commission, there are still vacancies on the Commission on Aging and there is one open position on the Economic Development Commission.
  • Tax Refunds:  Selectman Rodgers moved the acceptance of the January Tax Refunds, No. 9 in the amount of $53,515.67.  Selectman Furrier seconded.  All in favor.
  • 2011-2012 Budget:  (Att. C) Mr. Tait walked the board through the 2011-2102 budget binder.  First Selectman Llodra explained that Public Works, the Police Department and Parks and Recreation would be discussed in detail tonight.  Selectman Furrier pointed out that the budget this year is being compared to the amended budget, last year we compared to the adopted budget.  The following line items were moved by Selectman Rodgers, seconded by Selectman Furrier and all were in favor:
100 Selectman

01100 1001 Selectman Salary in the amount of $97,333
01100 1002 Secretary, Assistant in the amount of $99,850
01100 1003 Director of Community Development in the amount of zero
01100 1007 Town Hall O.T, Ed., Longevity in the amount of $10,000
01100 2013 Selectman Expenses in the amount of $2,350
01100 4061 Legal Services in the amount of $60,000
01100 4063 Legal Services – other in the amount of $100,000
Total Selectman Budget:  $369,533
105 Selectman Other
01105 1002 Clerks in the amount of $36,650
01105 2011 Office Supplies in the amount of $57,725
01105 2013 Non-Recurring Supplies in the amount of zero
01105 2014 Leasing in the amount of $69,630
01105 2015 Legal Advertising in the amount of $18,000
01105 2016 Postage in the amount of $61,400
01105 2024 Copiers in the amount of $38,100
01105 3051 Repair/Maintenance in the amount of $10,000
Total Selectman Other budget:  $291,505
140 Tax Collector
01140 1001 Tax Collector in the amount of $62,819
01140 1002 Clerical in the amount of $131,098
01140 2014 Travel & Dues in the amount of $450
Total Tax Collector Budget:  $194,367
170 Town Clerk
01170 1001 Town Clerk in the amount of $65,710
01170 1002 Assistant Town Clerks in the amount of $101,728
01170 2015 Dues in the amount of $3,000
01170 2025 Elections in the amount of zero
01170 2026 Indexing in the amount of $47,500
01170 2028 Vital Statistics in the amount of $1,200
01170 4003 Annual Report in the amount of $2,500
Total Town Clerk Budget:  $221,638
180 Registrars
01180 1001 Registrars in the amount of $56,439
01180 1002 Dep. Registrars/Clerk in the amount of $18,025
01180 1004 Typist – Canvass Cards in the amount of 800
01180 1005 Referenda in the amount of $11,200
01180 1006 Primaries in the amount of zero
01180 1007 Election Workers in the amount of $21,225
01180 1009 Machine Examiner in the amount of $2,000
01180 2014 Education and Training in the amount of $4,600
01180 2015 Dues in the amount of $100
Total Registrars Budget:  $114,389
190 Tax Assessor
01190 1001 Assessor in the amount of $67,500
01190 1002 Dep Assessor, Data Entry Clerk in the amount of $143,723
01190 2015 School, Dues, Publications in the amount of $8,500
01190 4061 Field Service in the amount of $8,000
Total Tax Assessor Budget:  $227,723
200 Finance
01200 1001 Finance Director in the amount of $125,000
01200 1002 Clerical in the amount of $137,622
01200 1003 Asst. Finance Director in the amount of $64,477
01200 2014 Dues, Travel, Training in the amount of $2,900
01200 2015 Subscriptions in the amount of $375
01200 2017 Technology Maintenance in the amount of $3,000
Total Finance Budget:  $333, 374
240 Social Security
01240 2001 Unemployment Act in the amount of $15,000
01240 2002 FICA in the amount of $825,227
Total Social Security Budget:  $840,227
280 Professional Organizations
01280 0000 HVCEO in the amount of $17,123
01280 0003 CCM in the amount of $15,103
01280 0004 National League of Cities in the amount of $1,861
01280 0005 COST in the amount of $1,225
01280 3000 Regional Brownfields in the amount of $800
Total Professional Organizations Budget:  $36,112
350 Insurance
01350 4001 Liability/Auto/Property in the amount of $373,411
01350 4002 Uninsured Losses in the amount of $10,000
01350 4003 Worker’s Compensation in the amount of $520,000
01350 4004 Other in the amount of $71,500
Total Insurance Budget:  $974,911
600 Legislative Council
01600 2013 Council Expenses in the amount of $500
01600 2014 Dues & Travel in the amount of zero
01600 4001 Audit – Town in the amount of 44,200
01600 4060 Legal Services – Council in the amount of zero
Total Legislative Council Budget:  $44,700
680 Newtown Cultural Arts Commission
01680 0000 Newtown Cultural Arts Commission in the amount of $2,000
730 District Contributions
01730 0000 Hattertown Historic District in the amount of zero
01730 0003 Hawleyville District in the amount of $500
01730 0004 Sandy Hook District in the amount of $1,000
Total District Contributions Budget:  $1,500
426 N.W. Safety Communication
01426 0000 NW Safety Communication in the amount of $9,783
437 NW Connecticut EMS Council
01437 0000 NW CT EMS Allocations in the amount of $250
110 Social Services
01110 1001 Director – Human Services in the amount of $51,389
01110 1002 Secretary in the amount of $30,611
01110 2015 Dues, Conference, Subs in the amount of $100
01110 2030 Welfare Allotment in the amount of $4,000
01110 4060 Consultant Fees in the amount of zero
Total Social Services Budget:  $86,100
220 Senior Services
01220 1001 Senior Services Administration in the amount of $118,272
01220 2017 Dues & Travel in the amount of $1,050
01220 2022 Senior Center Operating Expenses in the amount of $27,000
01220 4061 Mini-Bus in the amount of $135,500
Total Senior Services Budget:  $281,822
375 Tick Action Committee
01375 0003 Allocations in the amount of zero
380 Visiting Nurses Association
01380 0000 VNA in the amount of $500
400 Kevin’s Community Center
01400 0000 Kevin’s Community Center in the amount of $45,000
410 Children’s Adventure Center
01410 0003 Children’s Adventure Center in the amount of $25,000
419 Regional Hospice
01419 0000 Regional Hospice in the amount of $5,500
420 Veteran’s Guidance Supplies
01420 0000 Veteran’s Guidance Supplies in the amount of $250
425 N.W. Regional Mental Board
01425 0000 N.W. Regional Mental Board in the amount of $2,953
428 Danbury Regional Child Advocacy Center
01428 0000 Danbury Regional Child Advocacy Center in the amount of $2,750
429 Women’s Center of Danbury
01429 0000 Woman’s Center of Danbury in the amount of $10,000
431 Ability Beyond Disability
01431 0000 Ability Beyond Disability in the amount of zero
433 Newtown Youth & Family Services
01433 0000 Family Counseling Center in the amount of $265,600
435 Amos House
01435 0000 Amos House in the amount of zero
436 Literacy Volunteers
01436 0000 Literacy Volunteers in the amount of zero
438 Shelter of the Cross
01438 0000 Shelter of the Cross in the amount of zero
439 WeCAHR
01439 0000 WeCAHR in the amount of zero
441 The Volunteer Center
01441 0000 The Volunteer Center in the amount of $1,000
442 Newtown Parade Committee
01442 0000 Newtown Parade Committee in the amount of $1,550
443 Newtown Parent Connection
01443 0000 Newtown Parent Connection in the amount of $20,000
444 NW Conservation District
01444 0000 NW Conservation District in the amount of $1,000

Mr. Hurley was present to discuss the Public Works Department budget.  He said that in the past twenty years 42 miles have been added to the town road system, the equivalent of adding four additional plow routes and there has only been an increase of two employees in that time.  First Selectman Llodra explained that every mile of every road has been evaluated by road conditions, drainage, the quality of paving and the line painting.  This will inform what is in the budget and the CIP regarding how funds have to be focused in order to maintain roads at an acceptable level.  There is a small savings in equipment fuel; the diesel adjustment can be adjusted when the actual number is received.  The repair account has increased, included in this is Parks and Recreation and Police repairs.  We have an aging fleet of rolling stock.  There is a legitimate need for each road in the Contractual Overlay line item.  Overtime is increased because money was taken out last year by the council and put into contingency.  Prioritizing of roads is done by the Public Works Director and the Town Engineer.  First Selectman Llodra explained that the highway department had the opportunity to use Town Aid Road (TAR) funds in the past.  We want our numbers to reflect our real experience as much as possible.  The TAR funds are in a special revenue fund.  The change is that the grant is in the general fund revenues which offset expenditures in the public works budget.  The street sweeping contract will go out to bid this year.  The cost for recycling is up because the total number of units has increased.  This will also go out to bid this year.  

Chief Kehoe and Captain Rios were present to discuss the Police Department budget.  Chief Kehoe summarized the extraordinary events that have taken place in town since the last budget season including a fatal accident, a bank robbery and the discovery of bones.  There is a goal to camera each patrol car over multiple years, at $5,000 per car.  First Selectman Llodra stated that last year progress was made when planning to manage resources in anticipation of four police cars per year.  An administrative vehicle has significant mileage.  Chief Kehoe explained that general maintenance expense for patrol cars increases dramatically with high mileage.  The needs of our community differ from similar size communities with similar populations but it is difficult to compare because although the town look similar they are very different.  Newtown has three school based officers.  Newtown formulated a traffic committee based on complaints from the community.  

Parks & Recreation Director Amy Mangold and Parks & Recreation Commission Chair Ed Marks were present to discuss the Parks & Recreation budget.  The savings in this budget come from a cut in capital expenditures.  A maintainer was approved in the budget three years but the position was not filled.  The funds to improve Oakview were reallocated to the turf field at Treadwell.  The plan was to rent a bulldozer to do some of the Oakview work, in house, and have a contractor do some of the work.  That was cut from the budget two years ago.  Mr. Marks said that they would like to purchase a used bulldozer from surcharge funds that would allow them to complete Oakview and also to use on other projects.  Public Works will also be able to use the bulldozer.   Mrs. Mangold has met with security companies in relation to Eichler’s Cove.  The warden job is being advertised now, online.  A parking plan, with three phases of parking has been designed.  Regarding Oakview, Mrs. Mangold said that in order to keep the budget from an increase the commission tried to look at creative ways to get the work done without impacting the capital budget.
VOTER COMMENT:   Carla Kron, 4 Clapboard Ridge Road noted that members of different unions are going to be receiving raises and she thinks it is fair and appropriate that those members of the town that are not union members, should also get a pay increase.  First Selectman Llodra noted that while there is no obligation to give non-union employees a pay increase that there is a fairness to consider.  If we make a change in the insurance to a lesser insurance plan resources could possibly be used to supply a small incremental change in the wage of non-union employees.

  • Executive Session:  Pending Litigation – Dauti: conducted after Finance Director Report.
  • Action on Pending Litigation – Dauti:  Selectman Rodgers moved to authorize the Town to seek certification of an appeal in the matter of Dauti Construction vs. the Town of Newtown Planning and Zoning Commission and Dauti Construction vs. the Town of Newtown Sewer Authority.  Selectman Furrier seconded. All in favor.
ANNOUNCEMENTS:  First Selectman Llodra noted that the Economic Development Commission will make a presentation at the Monday, January 24th Selectmen meeting.  The budget items scheduled are Probate, Library, Debt Service, Fairfield Hills and the Lake Authorities.

ADJOURNMENT:  Having no further business the Board of Selectman adjourned their
special meeting at 10:02 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

    Susan Marcinek, Clerk

    Att. A:  Fairfield Hills Master Plan Review Committee Public Participation Design and
                 Facilitation Proposal
    Att. B:  Transfer
    Att. C:  Town of Newtown Selectmen Requested Budget Summary FY 2011-2012